關於keep fit的評價, Jordan Yeoh
Low body fat Expectation vs Reality. . Expectation: . - Strong - Healthy - Harder muscles - Fit like...
Low body fat Expectation vs Reality. . Expectation: . - Strong - Healthy - Harder muscles - Fit like...
Low body fat Expectation vs Reality. . Expectation: . - Strong - Healthy - Harder muscles - Fit like...
每一天起床都是新嘅開始🌞皮膚一樣是新開始,起床第一時間我會Shake Shake一杯膠原蛋白肽,味道甜甜地,1分鐘就可補充膠原蛋白,等皮膚持續充滿彈性,美白肌膚,仲可以淡斑,淡化熊貓眼,有埋豐胸效果,...
取代外賣首選 ♥️ 飽肚又健康 ►營美健纖型低卡餐 . 疫情嚴重😷盡量都少出街買餸, 但日日食外賣餐,唔健康之餘, 仲會吸收過量卡路里及油鹽糖 . 營美健提倡「瘦身不等於捱餓」 嘅纖食哲學,其纖型低卡...
"Jordan: You are so fit already why you still need...
"Jordan: You are so fit already why you still need...
"Jordan, I'm tired of this post can you please sto...
在ig限動有人問我如何keep fit? 畢竟限動只有24小時,後續還是很多人問, 我雖然一臉黯然銷...
5 awesome exercises you can do right now to keep f...
Day 55 with no gym. No gym doesn't mean that I did...